Risk Warning
About Polkatrain
Polkatrain is a decentralized finance platform based on BSC with the function of auction,farming or mining and IDO.It will be transferred for Plasm in the future. Users can use DOT and POLT for farming and auction.
POLT is the governance token of Polkatrain platform, with a total amount of about 10 million.
Contract Risk
We have audited by security company. However, we still remind you security audits cannot completely eliminate all risks! Be sure to invest within your risk tolerance.DO NOT invest all of your assets on Polkatrain in order to avoid unbearable asset losses, especially for IDO.
Admin Key Risk
An admin key has the highest authority to control the contract, can be used to modify various mining parameters such as modifying the mining weight of each pool, adding new pools, etc.), or suspend smart contracts in case of an emergency.
It is only at the initial period after deployment, the core team can use it for system upgrades and mining parameter adjustments.
Last updated